10 Things to do during quarantine

Coronavirus has creates a lot of chaos in the world and because of this the government of all the countries lock down the whole area of the country to prevent people from coronavirus and releases some guidelines to tools this. They also said to follow the precautions for their own safety. Now people are spending their time in isolation and keep social distancing from all gatherings. And for quarantine days there are various things which you guys Can do at home without any stress. So here are the 10 things which you can do: 
  1. Take complete and proper nap:
    ideas to make your quarantine better , ideas to spend lockdown. what to do in lockdown. things to do in isolation
    Remember that time when you wanted to sleep a little more but you don't have any other option to wake up before your alarm or with it because you have no other option to go and attend your work. You get out of your bed and get ready for the work with your sleepy eyes. But now you have so much time to pamper yourself by sneezing away from you and sleep much more extra. Get that 7-8 hours proper sleep and let's reboot your body to do everything else.
  2. Enjoy your surroundings and admire the beauty of nature: 
    Waking up and smell the coffee and simply stop and stare around your surroundings. Look at the sights and slights of the silence and appreciate that you are blessed with a lovely natural things around you. The sun still shines every day and it's enough to hope that this situation will also pass away by staying at home. 
  3.  Cooking:
    Cooking can be the best option to spend your quarantined time very well. Try to take some time to learn and make new recipes from internet. Watch interest videos of cooking which also encourages making it. 
  4. Doodling:
    It can be another way to spend your time quarantine best through doodling. Ni worries if you are not good at art and drawings, you can also enjoy by fooling whatever comes on your mind without thinking anything else. Maybe you will draw something amazing through doodling. Indulging you into some art therapy with some watercolors as well, you will get better with time. 
  5. Reading:
    Reading is the best way to empower yourself with lots of knowledge and lets your imagination go wild. It's good for making your mind grow and accompany yourself with interesting books. It's a great healer obviously! 
  6. Music:
    Music is an all-time favorite of everyone which lifts you up and heals you better. It can transport you to the happiest times which you can spend or share with your family members and friends and create special memories. It will positively make you smile and feel better. Opt-out that music which will in return soothe your ears and soul instead of listening to a clapping or beating of loud drums music   
  7. Take care of your pets: 
    many peoples are abandoning their pets because they think that this corona is also spreader by pets as well. Let me aware that pets are not spreading this virus they are safe from this and stop abandoning your pets instead of pampering them and spent most of the time in playing with them. It spreads a positive impact on your mental health. 
  8. Catch a movie:
    Its blessings to watch movies with your homemade popcorn's through which you can enjoy the netflix without getting bore. Choose your own genre and watch it there are so many romantic, actions, humor and many other genres movies are available for you to watch. It's the best way to entertain and make your mind hoop up. 
  9. Write your thoughts:
    You can also write poetry to get rid of bored and makes it all-time favorite timings. 
  10. Meditate:
    it's the best way to do mediate and keep calm just give it a try and lay down with your eyes closed, palms up and while focusing on your breath. Or you can spend your 20 minutes sitting cross-legged plus repeat a soothing word to yourself in your head. It helps you a lot to grow and make you feel much.
Tags:- Things to do, quarantine, corona, lockdown.

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  1. Well organised and curated! Much required for mental peace!

  2. these things should be done in daily routine also

    1. yes, it will be very beneficial for everyone to apply these things in daily routine

  3. Wow amazing one !! I must appreciate you for this information it's worth to get it !!

  4. Wow well done���� “So pleased to see you accomplishing great things.”

  5. Great 👍 thoughts that you shared. Absolutely these activities will be helping to reduce the stress level and busy himself during quarantine.

    I think the last point which is Meditate and it's important. Everyone needs to do in daily routine which make you feel relaxed and calm.

    1. yeah people should follow things thing in their daily routine, thanks for commenting

  6. We will definitely do this. Thanku👍👍👍👍
