India launched 'Arogya Setu' mobile app to detect corona patients

Indian,mobile-app,Arogya,Setu, corona, coronavirus, covid19, health, android, quarantine, covid-tracker, lockdown,coronapp

The Indian government has launched a mobile app introduced by the name 'Arogya Setu' mobile app and millions of people have already downloaded it. It is stated by Luv Agarwal the Joint Secretary of the Ministry of Health that if people have installed the 'Arogya Setu' mobile app, it will notify you guys as soon as you come in the contact with positive Corona positive person. He stated that all people safety is in your hands and your safety is our responsibility.

Let me tell you that the app will detect only fresh cases and will alert only those who have been around the infected person. The 'Arogya Setu' mobile app will aid in determining the parameters with the technology utilized through voice. This covers the usage of ultra-modern algorithms, Bluetooth, technology, and artificial intelligence. The 'Arogya Setu' mobile app is available in 11 languages so that all the people can use it in their own language. It has been launched and capable for Android and iOS platforms both platforms.
Indian,mobile-app,Arogya,Setu, corona, coronavirus, covid19, health, android, quarantine, covid-tracker, lockdown,coronappIndian,mobile-app,Arogya,Setu, corona, coronavirus, covid19, health, android, quarantine, covid-tracker, lockdown,coronappIndian,mobile-app,Arogya,Setu, corona, coronavirus, covid19, health, android, quarantine, covid-tracker, lockdown,coronapp

How will work
If a person is found infected with the coronavirus during treatment, the mobile number of the infected person will be included in the register maintained by the Ministry of Health and all the information regarding the person will also be updated on 'Arogya Setu' mobile app. This app will help the government to take timely steps to assess the risk of Covid-19 infection and to quarantine the concerned person or region if necessary (Quarantine). It is stated by the government that the users' information regarding the treatment will not be shared with anyone plus in this app privacy will be maintained.
Indian,mobile-app,Arogya,Setu, corona, coronavirus, covid19, health, android, quarantine, covid-tracker, lockdown,coronapp

Love Aggarwal said that the agriculture ministry has launched the e-portal, adding more than 500 mandis and adding 400 more mandis. With this, farmers can sell their product and goods without moving to the market plus they will also receive all the payments easily on mobile with digital transactions.

Love Aggarwal said that 336 new cases of Covid 19 have come to us since yesterday. There are almost 2301 cases, in which 56 people got deaths. Of these 56, 12 died yesterday. 157 patients have already been healed so far. He said that Health Minister Harsh Vardhan has appealed to the patients and their families to cooperate with the doctors. He was worried over wrongdoing with doctors and their support staff.
Punla Salila Srivastava, Joint Secretary of the Ministry of Home Affairs has said that the Ministry has written to the State Governments to ensure the safety of those working in health services. It has also written about taking strict action in cases of attacks on health and border workers.

The Health Ministry stated that in the previous 2 days approx 647 patients are found in 14 states - Rajasthan, Assam, Jharkhand, Delhi, Himachal, Haryana, Maharashtra, Telangana, Jammu and Kashmir, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Have met in Andaman and Nicobar.

You can directly download the app by scanning and clicking following link.

Indian,mobile-app,Arogya,Setu, corona, coronavirus, covid19, health, android, quarantine, covid-tracker, lockdown,coronapp

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