Fifth and the last phase of relief package of Indian announced by the finance minister of Indian Nirmala Sitaraman on Sunday 17th of May 2020. Finally, she declared the last remains 20 lakh crore of Indian relief packages in Atmanirbhar Bharat to boost the COVID-19-hit economy.
In the fifth
the phase of Indian relief package, Nirmala Sitaraman highlighted measures for
promotion of e-learning, support to private as well as the public sector, doing
ease of doing business, help provided to states and also highlighted the
significant 7 areas under the relief package that includes: Businesses and
COVID-19, Health and education in rural as well as urban areas, Mahatma Gandhi
National Rural Employment Act, Ease of doing business, Decriminalisation of
business, State government and resources and last PSU related matters.
The Finance
Ministry of India Nirmala Sitaraman also stated regarding the intact
distribution of the total amount of Rs 20, 97,053 crores in Indian relief
package demonstrating in diverse sectors.
On 16th of
the may Saturday, Nirmala Sitharaman discussed in a press conference as well as
she revealed the fourth phase of the Indian government's economic relief package to
give relief to numerous segments of the country damaged due to COVID-19