Is lockdown extending?


Hey guys, I know everyone is at home at least from one week and waiting for removal of lockdown right! but there are so many rumours are going on around you. People are spreading the news like the after 21-days lockdown which was announced by our Prime minister Shri Narendra Modi Ji, will be extended for more other days or probably weeks. The media coverage also covers the reports that there will be no extension of the days when it is over.
Let me tell you guys that it's not anything else like this. If you stay at home now then there are chances that the virus will stop spreading and the infected rate will decrease. So stay at home for more 14 days, it's only for your sake. Otherwise, no one knows that when will this rumor become true. So be careful and accept this 21 days lockdown instead of weeks and months lockdown. 

The Indian government officials have also confirmed that there no plans of increasing more another days after 21 days lockdown. But if the situation and the cases will increases of coronavirus then probably the government will take harsh steps to extends the dates and rigorously perform hardship of curfew-like you heard in china. 
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Also, the Cabinet Secretary Rajiv Gauba also flashed in the Asian News International (ANI), that the Indian government doesn't plan to increase the lockdown beyond the three weeks announced by prime minister Modi today. So there is no need to worry about the extend of the lockdown in the present scenario.


According to a tweet by the Indian government’s Press Information Bureau: It is assumed that the 21-day lockdown is enough to fight with the spread of the COVID-19 disease. It is said that within 14 days the disease will disappear automatically if the defected person stay away and isolated from each other. That's why 21 days are enough to combat this disease. We all know that it's a very tough time and the coronavirus cases are continuously increasing over the past three days in India.  
So if you avoid staying at home then it will costs you much more and maybe your this 22 days would convert into many other more weeks and more months. So stay at home and let's joins this social distancing movement to fight against this virus and say bye-bye to this virus from not only India but from the entire world. 


So, guys, you don't need to worry just chill and stay at home, do all things which you want to do and watch your all favourite series if you missed out in your childhood time or teenage. Just enjoy sitting home and talking with your parents and make this time the most memorable time ever. 21-day lockdown is enough to kill this virus.

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